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The Eurelia Federation, International Division of Procos Federation is divided into two "clubs", both of which operate in the same manner.

•    EMEA Division
Carries out in-depth work focusing retail real estate in Europe, but also on the Middle East, North Africa, Latin America or Asia via a number of workshops.

•    Iberian Division
Created more than 20 years ago in partnership with Retail & Trade Marketing in Barcelona, it deals with Spain and Portugal.

Registration conditions

The Federation gathers leading international retail chains in the specialised retail sector, regardless of:
o    The nationality
o    The retail sector
o    The type of location (town centre, shopping centres, etc.)
o    The current stage of development 

Opportunity to join a club or two depending on the areas of development that interest you.

Download the statutes of the Erelia Federation, Procos International Department

 How to join the Eurelia clubs?

To receive information on registration conditions or for any further question, please contact:
Barbara Garbowski
Tel. : +33. (0)
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it